Mandarin Oriental's 50 Fantastic Years
The celebration of a Hong Kong iconThe Challenge
Luminous was tasked with conceiving and delivering a glamorous party for over 800 celebrities, dignitaries and society guests from Hong Kong and around the world to celebrate “50 Fantastic Years” of Mandarin Oriental’s flagship Hong Kong property. The party had to reflect the hotel’s philosophy: original, iconic and unforgettable.
The Solution
A red carpet arrival welcomed guests as over 200 media frenzied when Mandarin Oriental’s celebrity fans arrived. After 8 rounds of applications to numerous government and police departments to acquire the required series of permits, a visual feast played out on the entire 26 storey hotel with guests watching from a purpose-built platform. The 3D projection articulated Mandarin Oriental’s 50 Fantastic Years and within hours was released to the world on YouTube.
Leaving the platform guests were escorted to the lobby of the hotel to experience the Mandarin Oriental’s culinary excellence and legendary service. Karen Mok, one of Hong Kong’s most celebrated vocalists performed; followed by City Contemporary Dance Company who performed a bespoke chorography entitled ‘Legendary Moments of Delight’. After a sensational performance by Bryan Ferry and his band, guests danced until the early morning.
The Result
Talk of the town event attended by local and international celebrities
100+ million impressions globally
15,000+ views on YouTube of the official 3D projection clip